I think it's time we change the title of our trip to "Economic Stimulus 2008." Every time I see a newspaper on this trip it has some bad news about the economy. But the three of us are certainly doing our part to fight off a recession, spending money everywhere we go. If all of America would just stop work and go on a two week baseball trip, all the problems would be solved. Maybe this why I didn't major in economics ...
It's been a busy few days for, coming back from Canada, fighting power outages in Detroit and of course, seeing lots of baseball. We are just about to head out for Cleveland, but here's a few pictures from the last couple days.

I never thought I'd say this, but Yankee Stadium is awesome. All my life I have cheered against the Yankess, but seeing a game in the Bronx was the highlight of the trip for me. I am not ashamed to say that I cheered hard for the evil empire.

Maybe it's because of all the history there, but there is a real magical feeling to the park. We waited in line for a while before the game, but getting to see legends field where they enshrine all the greats was fantastic.

They've had a lot of really good players.
I guess I have less time for an update than I thought because we have to skedaddle out of this motel before check-out time. There's more to come though later today.
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